Tuesday Tales: From the Word CONFIDENT

Wow! Where did the summer go? We’re ten days away from the end of August. This week, our Tuesday Tales’ prompt is the word CONFIDENT. I’m continuing with Listen to the Stones. Enjoy.

The man stood and came around his desk. “This is going to turn your life upside down, Marina. From what you said earlier, things haven’t been going well for you. This could be your chance for a fresh start. Don’t give me an answer yet. It’s a big decision. The island may be part of the British Isles, but the people don’t necessarily speak English, or a form of it you’re likely to understand. Most of the crofters and those not directly involved in tourism speak Gaelic, although the children are taught English as well in school. The fact that you were born there makes everything easier from a legal standpoint, but you’ll still be an outsider. Not everyone will be ready to welcome you with open arms, and some will be leery of you and your intentions.” He pulled a photograph out of the folder. … Here’s a photograph of the place. It’s certainly unusual. Should you decide to go…”

Marina reached for the photograph. The stone house with the large windows and what seemed to be a thatched roof looked like something out of a fairy tale. What else would you expect to find on an island that boasted mysterious monoliths? She stared at the image, recalling her mother’s words. “We didn’t belong there. They didn’t want us.” But that had been thirty years ago. Great-uncle Angus wanted her to come home. Better late than never. She didn’t need to think it over. Mom had told her to go home, and now she could do just that.

“There’s nothing to think over,” she said, confident that she’d made the only logical decision. “Please contact Mr. MacDonald and tell him that I intend to claim my inheritance as soon as I can make the arrangements to get to the Isle of Lewis.”

Mr. Harding glanced at the clock. “It’s after three which makes it past eight there. I’ll contact them first thing in the morning. Congratulations, my dear. You’re about to embark on a grand adventure. My wife and I visited Scotland ten years ago. We’ve always wanted to return. Where can we reach you?”

Marina stood. “I’ll be at home, getting myself organized. If you decide to visit the Isle of Lewis, let me know. I’ll make sure there’s a room waiting for you at Fraser Hall.” She extended her hand and shook his. “Thank you for your help with this.”

“My pleasure.”

No doubt he’d be cashing a healthy check for his troubles.

That’s it. Stay safe, and don’t forget to check out the other Tuesday Tales.

Published by Susanne Matthews

Hi! I live in Eastern Ontario. I'm married with three adult children and five wonderful grandchildren. I prefer warm weather, and sunshine but winter gives me time to write. If I’m listening to music, it will be something from the 1960s or 1970s. I enjoy action movies, romantic comedies, but I draw the line at slasher flicks and horror. I love science fiction and fantasy as well. I love to read; I immerse myself in the text and, as my husband says, the house could fall down around me, and I’d never notice. My preferences are as varied as there are genres, but nothing really beats a good romance, especially one that is filled with suspense. I love historical romance too, and have read quite a few of those. If I’m watching television, you can count on it being a suspense — I’m not a fan of reality TV, sit-coms, or game shows. Writing gives me the most pleasure. I love creating characters that become real and undergo all kinds of adventures. It never ceases to amaze me how each character can take on its own unique personality; sometimes, they grow very different from the way I pictured them! Inspiration comes from all around me; imagination has no bounds. If I can think it, imagine it, I can write it!

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