Tuesday Tales: From the Word ICY

Welcome to the end of February and Tuesday Tales. What can go from -15 C to +15 C in four days? The weather this year! This week will be a tough one for me as we lay my mother to rest. She’ll be reunited with my dad. Eternal rest? Reincarnation? The stuff paranormal romance novels are made of. Will they find one another in a future life? I’d like to think so.

Our word prompt this week is ICY. Is it icy where you are? It certainly isn’t here. The snow from last week is all gone, making things spring-like once more. I’m continuing with my Contemporary Paranormal Romance Suspense, Listen to the Stones. Enjoy.

Some believe that on Samhain, what you call Halloween, the veil that separates the realm of the living from the afterlife is at its thinnest, allowing the souls of the dearly departed and the Cat Sith to cross into this dimension and roam the land once more blessing or cursing people.”

She shivered as an icy draft made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. James was so serious. Just how much of this did he believe?

Marina shrugged. “I’m okay with the blessing, but the cursing? Not so much. How does one get blessed or cursed by Cat Sith?”

James licked his lips, drawing them to Marina’s attention. They were full, rosy, but not unnaturally so. How would they feel pressed against her own?

What’s wrong with me? For years, I’ve been content to lead a solitary life, my bed as virginal as a nun’s, and now I want … damn these hormones.

“It’s actually quite simple,” James answered. “You feed the beast. To be blessed, people need to set out a saucer of milk or cream. Those who do, prosper; those who don’t, risk seeing their cow’s milk dry up among other things.”

Deciding to play along in the hope that her common sense would make a comeback, Marina nodded.

“How will I know if Raven is an incarnation of this Cat Sith?”

He smiled. “The Cat Sith is easy to identify. It’s all black except for a small white spot in the center of its chest … oh, and its eyes glow in the dark.”

Marina laughed. “Now I know you’re teasing me. Since she’s finished her toilette, I can see that she’s black, which is probably why someone put her out in the storm, expecting her to die or be eaten by some predator.”

“There are no animal predators on Lewis, although we do have eagles, but they wouldn’t have been out in that storm.”

She straightened. “Really? No wolves or foxes?”

“Not a one.”

Marina leaned toward the kitten, but since she was now washing her chest, it was hard to see if there was a white spot there.

“As for the eye shine, that’s perfectly natural for all cats. The tapetum lucidum is like a little mirror in the back of the eyes of some nocturnal animals. It helps them see better in the dark and it’s what causes the glowing eyes.”

That’s it. Come back next week for more. Don’t forget to check out the other Tuesday Tales.

Published by Susanne Matthews

Hi! I live in Eastern Ontario. I'm married with three adult children and five wonderful grandchildren. I prefer warm weather, and sunshine but winter gives me time to write. If I’m listening to music, it will be something from the 1960s or 1970s. I enjoy action movies, romantic comedies, but I draw the line at slasher flicks and horror. I love science fiction and fantasy as well. I love to read; I immerse myself in the text and, as my husband says, the house could fall down around me, and I’d never notice. My preferences are as varied as there are genres, but nothing really beats a good romance, especially one that is filled with suspense. I love historical romance too, and have read quite a few of those. If I’m watching television, you can count on it being a suspense — I’m not a fan of reality TV, sit-coms, or game shows. Writing gives me the most pleasure. I love creating characters that become real and undergo all kinds of adventures. It never ceases to amaze me how each character can take on its own unique personality; sometimes, they grow very different from the way I pictured them! Inspiration comes from all around me; imagination has no bounds. If I can think it, imagine it, I can write it!

4 thoughts on “Tuesday Tales: From the Word ICY

  1. Love that tidbit about why cats’ eyes glow in the dark. And, yes, James is awakening something in her that has been dormant for a while. So exciting to see how this story is unfolding. I love the supernatural blending with the romantic attraction. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the explanation of the Cat Sith and if she can’t tell if he believes it or not. I can’t wait to learn more about the kitten. Great job!

    Liked by 1 person

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