Happy Easter to those Who Celebrate Today, March 31,2024

Mother Nature. Got to love her! This has been a very unusual year, and it continues that way. We’ve barely had any winter, although apparently, there’s a nasty storm expected to hit Ontario and Quebec this coming week. Not too surprising since it is only March and early April, and we’ve certainly had snow and cold at that time of year in the past. I’ve always considered Easter to be a spring holiday, with tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils in bloom. You know, the whole time of rebirth thing. It’s true that the birds are back, but there isn’t much green around. I barely have any crocuses. But I digress.

Today, Roman Catholics and most Protestants celebrate Easter. Somehow, Easter in March just doesn’t seem right. It’s 3C or 37F. Kind of chilly for an Easter Parade or even an Easter egg hunt. It isn’t too bad since we don’t have any snow and can do without the boots, but considering I put away the last of the Christmas decorations yesterday because the ground was still frozen makes it weird. I do have a few baby spring flowers coming up, but they are few and far between. So while the lunar calendar may have proclaimed this to be Easter, it doesn’t feel that way, not when I have to wear my winter coat and wool gloves.

Photo by Monstera Production on Pexels.com

According to my calendar, Passover isn’t until April 23 and Orthodox Easter won’t happen until May 5, the week before we celebrate Mother’s Day here in Canada and the US. Just as my Easter is too early, that Easter is too late!

If we can celebrate Christmas on the inaccurate date of December 25 each year, why can’t the powers that be pick a date in the middle for Easter? It would be so much simpler, even if they went with something like the second Sunday in April, and celebrated everything at once. But, that’s not my call, so we’ll make the best of this early Easter this year–but instead of ham or lamb, I’m having turkey. It’s in keeping with the weather!

Happy Easter! Enjoy your day! Don’t forget to visit tomorrow for the first of my A to Z blogs for 2024.

Published by Susanne Matthews

Hi! I live in Eastern Ontario. I'm married with three adult children and five wonderful grandchildren. I prefer warm weather, and sunshine but winter gives me time to write. If I’m listening to music, it will be something from the 1960s or 1970s. I enjoy action movies, romantic comedies, but I draw the line at slasher flicks and horror. I love science fiction and fantasy as well. I love to read; I immerse myself in the text and, as my husband says, the house could fall down around me, and I’d never notice. My preferences are as varied as there are genres, but nothing really beats a good romance, especially one that is filled with suspense. I love historical romance too, and have read quite a few of those. If I’m watching television, you can count on it being a suspense — I’m not a fan of reality TV, sit-coms, or game shows. Writing gives me the most pleasure. I love creating characters that become real and undergo all kinds of adventures. It never ceases to amaze me how each character can take on its own unique personality; sometimes, they grow very different from the way I pictured them! Inspiration comes from all around me; imagination has no bounds. If I can think it, imagine it, I can write it!

One thought on “Happy Easter to those Who Celebrate Today, March 31,2024

  1. Catching up, still haven’t read all of this, though I will, promise. For many, December 25th can be a tragic anniversary, the same day, every year, as happened in our family. I love the way Easter wanders around, anywhere from March 22nd to April 25th . This year, despite the late flowers, Easter Day was magical, from the Sunrise Service and breakfast for all in the village hall till bedtime, with none of the weird stress and impossible expectations of Christmas. For one day only, an Easter miracle, no rain, no wet eggs for the Easter egg hunt.

    Can’t remember inviting so many friends and family to stay though … How did that happen ? Virginia Woolf just wanted ‘ a room of one’s own ? Not enough… Mine would have a bolt too, only on the inside. A key wouldn’t be safe, somebody else might have a copy.

    Liked by 1 person

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