A to Z Challenge Blog 2024 The Letter S

Welcome to the last full week of this year’s challenge blog. These 8 remaining letters are the hardest ones each year. While the first five aren’t too bad, I’ve always found the last three challenging, especially when trying to stick to a theme.

I’ve actually bounced around several ideas for today’s letter. I considered suspense, sex, satire, suspicion Stonehenge, and the Standing Stones of Calanais, but eventually decided on serial since my theme is about my writing hopes, aspirations, and issues.

During this blog hop, I have been following a couple of blogs where they are writing stories, with each episode related to the day’s letter of the alphabet. One, I can read and like, but can’t comment. The other I can read, like, and comment. You can read it for yourself at THE CURRY APPLE ORCHARD posts you’ll find on the main blog hop site I post at the end of my daily offering.

I am really enjoying reading these adventure stories, many of them ending in a cliffhanger, and it’s prompted me to consider doing something like it. At the moment, I kind of do with my Tuesday Tales posts.

Each week, a small group of authors including me, post a scene from their current work in progress based on a word prompt we work into the scene. The scenes are generally limited to 400 words. In many cases, they follow one another closely, but in others, a lot of action happens off-stage.

Tuesday Tales are published late Monday evenings with links to each particular post. As you’ve been following this blog challenge, you’ve already seen some of my posts.

While I enjoy the Tuesday Tales experience, it isn’t exactly a serial. I would love to write a serialized novel. Kindle Vellum seems to be the ideal place to do it, but unfortunately, that platform isn’t available to anyone but US authors. It’s a pity because many talented authors from other countries might take advantage of it if they could. I certainly would.

That’s it for my take on the letter S. Come back tomorrow for the letter T

By special request from one of my followers, I will post one of my favorite songs hopefully dealing with the letter and theme each day until the end of the challenge. Here’s today’s musical interlude. I was lucky enough to see Leonard Cohen in person in 1967.

Check out blog posts from other participants here: https://tinyurl.com/w54yupwe

Published by Susanne Matthews

Hi! I live in Eastern Ontario. I'm married with three adult children and five wonderful grandchildren. I prefer warm weather, and sunshine but winter gives me time to write. If I’m listening to music, it will be something from the 1960s or 1970s. I enjoy action movies, romantic comedies, but I draw the line at slasher flicks and horror. I love science fiction and fantasy as well. I love to read; I immerse myself in the text and, as my husband says, the house could fall down around me, and I’d never notice. My preferences are as varied as there are genres, but nothing really beats a good romance, especially one that is filled with suspense. I love historical romance too, and have read quite a few of those. If I’m watching television, you can count on it being a suspense — I’m not a fan of reality TV, sit-coms, or game shows. Writing gives me the most pleasure. I love creating characters that become real and undergo all kinds of adventures. It never ceases to amaze me how each character can take on its own unique personality; sometimes, they grow very different from the way I pictured them! Inspiration comes from all around me; imagination has no bounds. If I can think it, imagine it, I can write it!

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